Thursday, February 4, 2010

So today was going to be a great day that I did everything I needed to do and then some. I started off with physical therapy at Rebound with Brian who does amazing things to my shoulder. After that I headed straight to my first class for the day, US History II, which I have to say is my new favorite subject. We talked about the late 19th century and the captain's of industry and Social Darwinism. These things used to bore me, but I have to admit have fascinated me these first 3 weeks of class.

Leaving class, dazed and trying to bring myself back to this century I missed 2 steps and took a hard tumble. Thank the stars my fellow students beat me out of the building, (I stopped in the ladies room), for nobody saw my ridiculous fall. After writhing around on the floor for a couple seconds a teacher who heard me fall from the second floor came to my rescue and phoned the campus police.

Yes, sounds a little extreme I am sure, but I guess you have to look at it from thier perspective. It is a college campus and I could be drunk wandering around, or even disoriented and never know anymore! So I complied and answered all of the questions and chatted with a really nice lady-cop. The ambulance arrived shortly after and I denied treatment because I know I would get a huge bill and I proceeded to limp to class 20 minutes late.

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